2025 Sunday Worship Ministerial Schedule
We welcome your ministry with open arms. To join a Sunday worship ministry (Ushers/Greeters, Liturgists, Communion Steward, and Coffee Fellowship/Treats), please contact Pr. Amy, [email protected].
If you need a sub, use the sub list you received.
If you haven’t received the sub list yet, please let us know. Email us at [email protected].
Our policy is that you only have to make one attempt to get a sub. After one attempt to find a sub is unsuccessful, please call Sue at the office, 320-763-4624, and she will line up the sub. Whenever possible, please give her a week’s notice. We know that is not always possible and we completely understand. Brief Descriptions of each Ministry – there is always mentorship – things change and our rituals and traditions adjust as needed.
Communion Steward – pour the juice and cut the bread 15 minutes prior to service. Placing the elements on the altar using our Communion bowls and cups. During the service of Word and Table (first Sunday of the month), led by Pr. Amy, stewards come forward and follow Pr. Amy’s direction on serving the people.
Usher/Greeter – sometimes you are both! Greeting people as they come in – where they can hang their coat, give them a bulletin, overall being invitational. During worship, you may also be the acolyte (unless there are children present to do so) – this means light the candles on the altar during the first hymn and then snuff the candles out during the last hymn. Before worship, set up attendance books in each pew, collect them up afterward and put the papers in the safe along with the monies from the offering plates. During worship, you will pass around the offering plates and then set them on the altar after the offertory prayer. After service, offering gets put in the safe – if you are new at this, Pr. Amy will train you so don’t worry! Ushers also excuse people from their pews on Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of every month), and pick up the sanctuary after service.
Liturgist – Scripture and all other passages that the liturgist would read for their assigned Sunday service are sent via email three days prior to the service unless requested to be sent sooner. Pr. Amy meets with all liturgists on Sunday morning prior to service. If a liturgist wants to practice their readings in the sanctuary prior to Sunday, they simply arrange that and we can have the mic and space prepared for them to practice.
Coffee fellowship – treats and clean-up
Bring goodies! Usually two pans of bars, 2 dozen cookies or a combination thereof is plenty. Washing out the coffee pots, putting things away fellowship – these instructions are all posted in the kitchen. If Viva isn’t making the coffee, be sure to arrive 25 minutes prior to service to brew the coffee as well.
2025 Schedule
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