Alexandria United Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Committee Members

For the years 2023-24

Cokesbury has made available a FREE online version of The Book of Discipline, 2016 edition, limited to view and search capabilities.

Committee - Meeting Schedules

SPRC, 5:00 pm - First Monday of the month, except holiday weeks
Administrative Council, 9:00 am - Second Monday of the month
Trustees, 5:30pm - Last Monday of the month
Finance Committee - October 10, 9:00 a.m. (next meeting date TBD; updated bi-monthly)

For the meetings schedule for these committees, please contact the Chair.
Care Team, Sue Helgeson, Chair, Email:
Mission & Social Concerns, Chuck Holm, Chair, Email:
Card Care Team, Pat Vickerman,
Kitchen Committee, Betty Van Zomeren,


Approved Administrative Council meeting minutes and Financial Reports
are posted on our bulletin board outside the main office.

Administrative Council

  • Co-Chairs of Council: Tom DeWitt and Kathy Reiber
  • Pastor: Amy VanValkenburg (non-voting)
  • Finance Chair: Ron Reiber
  • Finance Treasurer: Cori Lecy
  • Finance Secretary: Mel Nomsen
  • Lay Leader Co-Chairs: Scott Garvin, Chuck Holm
  • Butterfly Hill: Sue Rishavy
  • Trustees Chair: Deb Parrott 
  • Technology Chair: Deb Parrott
  • SPRC Co-Chairs: Heidi Ryan and Ron Schutte
  • Wood Fire Oven Tri-Chairs: Vicki Johnston, John Heydt, Dave Nomsen
  • Member at Large: Bob Rishavy

Finance Committee

  • Finance Chair: Ron Reiber
  • Treasurer: Cori Lecy
  • Co-Lay Leaders: Scott Garvin, Chuck Holm
  • Rep of Trustees: Deb Parrott
  • Council Chair: Tom DeWitt
  • Finance Secretary: Mel Nomsen
  • SPRC Representative: Ron Schutte
  • Member at Large: Susan Brede
  • Pr. Amy (non-voting)

Trust Fund Board

  • Chair: Jean Bristow
  • Deb Parrott
  • Linda DeWitt
  • Ron Schutte
  • Chuck Holm
  • Scott Johnston

Community Wood-Fired oven pizza ministry

  • Vicki Johnston
  • John Heydt
  • Dave Nomsen
  • Kathy Reiber
  • Sue Helgeson
  • Engagement Coordinator: Jeremy Vinar

SPRC (Staff Parish Pastor Relations Committee)

  • Chair/Co Chair: Heidi Ryan, Ron Schutte
  • Co-lay lay leaders: Scott Garvin and Chuck Holm
  • Pr. Amy
  • Bruce Jordan
  • Sharon Slack


  • Chair: Pastor Amy VanValkenburg
  • Sue Rishavy
  • Merry Luchau
  • Kathy Fredin
  • Kathy Reiber
  • Vicki Johnston

Kitchen Committee

  • Betty Van Zomeren, Chair
  • Sharon Holm
  • Gaye Mounsdon
  • Viva Lelm

Congregational Life

  • Team lead: Amy Reike
  • Tess Evink
  • Arlana Langner
  • Mel Nomsen
  • Linda DeWitt
  • Sunday School team: Luna Rivera, Ashley Rabehl, Connie Springman
  • Pr. Amy
  • Lay Leaders, Chuck Holm (Adult Sunday School Leader) and Scott Garvin (Worship Team)

Care Team

  • Sue Helgeson
  • Gaye Mounsdon
  • Cindy Schlapkohl
  • Sharon Holm
  • Geri Zabrosky (Call Care)
  • Pr. Amy

Card Care Ministry

  • Sharon Holm
  • Pat Vickerman
  • Pr. Amy


  • Chair: Deb Parrott
  • Steve Luchau
  • Kathy Reiber
  • Ron Reiber
  • Lay Leaders, Chuck Holm and Scott Garvin


  • Pr. Amy
  • Deb Parrot
  • Janet Eisele
  • Scott Garvin
  • Sue Walker


  • Thomas VanValkenburg
  • Pr. Amy
  • Vicki Johnston
  • Trustees Chair, Deb Parrott

Missions/Social Concerns

  • Chuck Holm
  • Ann Heydt
  • Pr. Amy
  • Kay Kortlever
  • Barb Keepers


  • Committee in development



  • Committee in development